Dirk Leysen
Dirk Leysen is a physiotherapist and osteopath with experience in both clinical and academic settings. He is currently a PhD student registered at the University of Maastricht and employed at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention where they conduct research in the field of digital health and prevention for CVD patients within the activeplan-project, as described at the website.
In addition to their academic pursuits, he has been self-employed as a physiotherapist and osteopath since 2008. He has a Licentiaat in Physiotherapy from Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg and a Master of Science in Osteopathy from the Donau Universität Krems.
In the past he has also been a senior lecturer at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences for over a decade, where he taught physiotherapy to students. He has been currently serving as an external lecturer at the same university. Additionally, he also served as an assistant osteopath at the Wiener Schule für Osteopathie (WSO).
For LBI-DHP publications see: Publications