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MORE Stakeholder Workshop and Closing Ceremony


13 Nov 2023, 14:00 – 13 Nov 2023, 17:00


Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention, Lindhofstraße 22, Salzburg, Austria

Following an intensive one and a half years implementation period for our Modular Open Research Platform for Digital Health (MORE; find out more about the project here), we are excited to be able to invite you to our closing event for the project.

The event will happen on Monday, the 13th of November. For the time being we foresee to invite you to our premises at Lindhofstr. 22, 5020 Salzburg, Austria (see map).

The program has two main parts that can be attended independently as well:

  • 14:00 – 15:30 PART 1: Stakeholder Workshop
    The workshop is intended for those who may want to use the MORE platform in their research projects and will include practical hands-on elements. It also concludes our series of stakeholder involvement workshops and online test sessions that have accompanied large parts of the implementation period.
  • 15:30 – 16:00 COFFEE BREAK
    Open to all attendees / guests on the day.
  • 16:00 – 17:00 PART 2: Closing Ceremony
    Will include a presentation on the project, the launch of making MORE openly available, an outlook for the MORE Platform and an opportunity for Q&A.
    It will also be possible to attend this portion – the closing ceremony – online.

The event will be held in English and there will be a limited number of participants!

If you are interested to attend, PLEASE REGISTER by the 1st of November here
A link for those who intend to attend the closing ceremony online will then be circulated later on.

We are thankful that the development of the MORE platform was supported by the Science and Innovation Strategy Salzburg 2025 (WISS 2025) of the state of Salzburg and that we were able to work with Redlink GmbH as a fantastic implementation partner for the software development.