Devender Kumar
Devender Kumar is a postdoc researcher at Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention. His research interests lie in the intersection of context-aware and explainable AI, physiological sensing, mHealth, and HCI. With a keen emphasis on reducing the ‘annotation dependency’ in MedAI, some of his ongoing research involves applying semi and self-supervised learning methods on physiological health data.
He received his Ph.D. in Health Technology from the Technical University of Denmark. His dissertation work was on ambulatory monitoring and diagnosis of heart arrhythmias Devender also holds a master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, where he worked on ‘personalized sleep quality assessment and REM sleep analysis.’
Selected projects that Devender is currently working on closely at the LBI-DHP include aktivplan MORE Smart PA and ValOpti
For LBI-DHP publications see: Publications
For the complete list of publications for Devender Kumar, see: Google Scholar