Vision / Mission / Goal
Our vision for the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention is to be a center of excellence in digital health that drives and facilitates digital health innovation.
Together with our strong network of partner organizations we are creating the digital health model region Salzburg
Our work brings real health benefit to local people through technological advances, innovative application of existing technologies and forward-thinking scientific methodologies.
Our local solutions provide innovative case studies and leading examples to the international digital health community.
Our mission is to develop, evaluate and implement digital health interventions that will support life- long sustainable heart-healthy physical activity in cardiac patients, in patient groups with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and in the general population.
By September 2026, the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention together with its partner organizations will
- Produce innovative and contextualized digital health interventions for supporting heart-healthy physical activity
- Establish the required digital infrastructure for these interventions and
- Generate scientific evidence of the effectiveness of these interventions.
3 Years LBI-DHP: Roadmap, Highlights & Outlook
presented by Jan Smeddinck (at the Salzburg Digital Health and Prevention Days 2022)