


  • Gyrard A, Gribbon P, Hussein R, Abedian S, Bonmati LM, Cabornero GL, Manias G, Danciu G, Dalmiani S, Autexier S, van Nuland R, Jendrossek M, Avramidis I, Alvarez EG. Synergies Among Health Data Projects with Cancer Use Cases Based on Health Standards. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024 Aug 22;316:1292-1296. doi: 10.3233/SHTI240649. PMID: 39176618.
    >> Link
  • Hussein R, Balaur I, Burmann A, Ćwiek-Kupczyńska H, Gadiya Y, Ghosh S, Jayathissa P, Katsch F, Kremer A, Lähteenmäki J, Meng Z, Morasek K, C Rancourt R, Satagopam V, Sauermann S, Scheider S, Stamm T, Muehlendyck C, Gribbon P. Getting ready for the European Health Data Space (EHDS): IDERHA’s plan to align with the latest EHDS requirements for the secondary use of health data. Open Res Eur. 2024 Jul 30;4:160. doi: 10.12688/openreseurope.18179.1. PMID: 39185338; PMCID: PMC11342032.
    >> Link
  • Abedian S, Taucher C, Perscha S, Djuris M, Hussein R, Hanke S. An In-Depth Exploration of Mapping openEHR and PGHD: A Case Study on Fitbit-Generated Data. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024 Aug 22;316:437-441. doi: 10.3233/SHTI240442. PMID: 39176771.
    >> Link
  • Jathissa P, Rohatsch L, Sauermann S, Hussein R. OMOP-on-FHIR: A FHIR Server Development to Facilitate Data Interaction with the OMOP-CDM and FHIR for PGHD. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024 Aug 22;316:157-158. doi: 10.3233/SHTI240367. PMID: 39176696.
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  • Katsch F, Hussein R, Duftschmid G. Converting Entity-Attribute-Value Data Sources to OMOP’s CDM: Lessons Learned. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024 Aug 22;316:356-357. doi: 10.3233/SHTI240419. PMID: 39176749.
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  • Marcos TA, Crutzen R, Leitner V, et al. Making it transparent: A worked example of articulating programme theory for a digital health application using Intervention Mapping. DIGITAL HEALTH. 2024;10. doi:10.1177/20552076241260974
  • McGowan H, Gutenberg J, Leitner V, Mühlhauser K, Breda A, et al. (2024) Exploring physical activity preferences and motivation in long-term cardiac prevention: An Austrian cross-sectional survey. PLOS ONE 19(5): e0302226.
    >> Link
  • Kulnik ST, Smeddinck J. Why and how we should conduct a thorough search for existing mobile health applications, before deciding to develop one from scratch, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2024; doi: 10.1093/eurjcn/zvae057
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  • Carrozzo AE, Cornelissen V, Bathke A, Zimmermann G, Treff G, Kulnik ST (2024). Applying exercise capacity and physical activity as single vs. composite endpoints for trials of cardiac rehabilitation interventions: Rationale, use-case, and a blueprint method for sample size calculation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2024.04.004
    >> Link
  • Zeller A, Gutenberg J, Niebauer J, Crutzen R and Kulnik ST (2024) Patients’ experiences and perspectives regarding the use of digital technology to support exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation: a qualitative interview study. Front. Sports Act. Living 6:1371652. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2024.1371652
    >> Link
  • Höppchen, I., Wurhofer, D., Meschtscherjakov, A., Smeddinck, J., Kulnik, S.T. (2024). Targeting behavioral factors with digital health and shared decision-making to promote cardiac rehabilitation—a narrative review. Frontiers in Digital Health, 6.
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  • Wurhofer, D., Neunteufel, J., Strumegger, E.-M., Höppchen, I., Mayr, B., Egger, A., Sareban, M., Reich, B., Neudorfer, M., Niebauer, J., Smeddinck, J. D., & Kulnik, S. T. (2024). Investigating shared decision-making during the use of a digital health tool for physical activity planning in cardiac rehabilitation. Frontiers in Digital Health, 5.
    >> Link


  • Baumgartner M, Veeranki SPK, Hayn D, Schreier G. Introduction and Comparison of Novel Decentral Learning Schemes with Multiple Data Pools for Privacy-Preserving ECG Classification. J Healthc Inform Res (2023). doi: 10.1007/s41666-023-00142-5.
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  • Haag D, Carrozzo E, Pannicke B, Niebauer J, Blechert J. Within-person association of volitional factors and physical activity: Insights from an ecological momentary assessment study, Psychology of Sport & Exercise (2023). doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2023.102445.
    >> Link
  • Hayn, D., Sareban, M., Höfer, S., Wiesmüller, F., Mayr, K., Mürzl, N., Porodko, M., Puelacher, C., Moser, L.-M., Philippi, M., Traninger, H., & Niebauer, J. (2023). Effect of digital tools in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation including home training—Results of the EPICURE study. Frontiers in Digital Health, 5.
    >> Link
  • McGowan H, Gutenberg J, Leitner V, et al. Use and perceptions of digital technology for daily life, physical activity and health information among former cardiac rehabilitation patients in Austria: A cross-sectional survey. DIGITAL HEALTH. 2023;9. doi:10.1177/20552076231219437
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  • Kulnik ST, Gutenberg J, Mühlhauser K, Topolski T, Crutzen R. Translation to German and linguistic validation of the Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA) questionnaire. J Patient Rep Outcomes. 2023;7(1):109. Published 2023 Oct 31. doi:10.1186/s41687-023-00649-w
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  • Baumgartner M, Veeranki SPK, Hayn D, Schreier G. Introduction and Comparison of Novel Decentral Learning Schemes with Multiple Data Pools for Privacy-Preserving ECG Classification. J Healthc Inform Res (2023). doi: 10.1007/s41666-023-00142-5.
    >> Link
  • Haag D, Carrozzo E, Pannicke, B, Niebauer J, Blechert J. Within-person association of volitional factors and physical activity: Insights from an ecological momentary assessment study, Psychology of Sport & Exercise (2023). doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2023.102445.
    >> Link
  • Hussein R, Scherdel L, Nicolet F, Martin-Sanchez F. Towards the European Health Data Space (EHDS) ecosystem: A survey research on future health data scenarios. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2023 Feb 1;170:104949.
    >> Link


  • Hussein R, Griffin AC, Pichon A, Oldenburg J. A guiding framework for creating a comprehensive strategy for mHealth data sharing, privacy, and governance in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2022 Oct 19:ocac198. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocac198. PMID: 36259962.
    >> Link
  • Denecke K, Rivera-Romero O, Petersen C, Cabrer M, Davies S, Grainger R, Hussein R, López Campo G, Martín-Sánchez F, Merolli M, Miron-Shatz T, Trigo JD, Wright G, Wynn R, Hullin C, Gabarrón E. Defining and Scoping Participatory Health Informatics – An eDelphi Study. Methods of Information in Medicine 2022.
    >> Link
  • Eisenberger L, Mayr B, Beck M, Venek V, Kranzinger C, Menzl A, Jahn I, Sareban M, Oberhoffer-Fritz R, Niebauer J, Böhm B. Assessment of Exercise Intensity for Uphill Walking in Healthy Adults Performed Indoors and Outdoors. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 16662.
    >> Link
  • Talevski J, Kulnik ST, Jessup RL, Falls R, Cvetanovska N, Beauchamp A. Use of co-design methodology in the development of cardiovascular disease secondary prevention interventions: A scoping review [published online ahead of print, 2022 Nov 10]. Health Expect. 2022;10.1111/hex.13633. doi:10.1111/hex.13633
    >> Link
  • Eisenberger L, Mayr B, Beck M, Venek V, Kranzinger C, Menzl A, Jahn I, Sareban M, Oberhoffer-Fritz R, Niebauer J, Böhm B. Development and validation of a 1-km cardio-trekking test to estimate cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy adults. Preventive Medicine Reports, Volume 30, 2022, 102039, ISSN 2211-3355. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2022.102039.
    >> Link
  • Yeung AWK, Kulnik ST, Parvanov ED, Fassl A, Eibensteiner F, Völkl-Kernstock S, Kletecka-Pulker M, Crutzen R, Gutenberg J, Höppchen I, Niebauer J, Smeddinck JD, Willschke H, Atanasov AG. Research on Digital Technology Use in Cardiology: Bibliometric Analysis. J Med Internet Res. 2022 May 11;24(5):e36086. doi: 10.2196/36086. PMID: 35544307.
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  • Kulnik ST, Sareban M, Höppchen I, Droese S, Egger A, Gutenberg J, Mayr B, Reich B, Wurhofer D and Niebauer J (2022) Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Closure and Home-Based Exercise Training During the First COVID-19 Lockdown in Austria: A Mixed-Methods Study. Front. Psychol. 13:817912. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.817912
    >> Link
  • Beauchamp A, Talevski J, Niebauer J, et al Health literacy interventions for secondary prevention of coronary artery disease: a scoping review Open Heart 2022;9:e001895. doi: 10.1136/openhrt-2021-001895
    >> Link


  • Schiefer LM, Treff G, Treff F, Schmidt P, Schäfer L, Niebauer J, Swenson KE, Swenson ER, Berger MM, Sareban M. Validity of Peripheral Oxygen Saturation Measurements with the Garmin Fēnix® 5X Plus Wearable Device at 4559 m. Sensors. 2021; 21(19):6363
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  • Kaisler RE, Kulnik ST, Klager E, Kletecka-Pulker M, Schaden E, Stainer-Hochgatterer A. Introducing Patient and Public Involvement Practices to Healthcare Research in Austria: Strategies to Promote Change at Multiple Levels. BMJ Open. 2021;11(8):e045618. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045618
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  • Yeung AWK, Tosevska A, Klager E, et al. Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in Medicine: Analysis of the Scientific Literature. J Med Internet Res. 2021;23(2):e25499. doi:10.2196/25499
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  • Meinhart F, Stütz T, Kulnik ST, Sareban M, Niebauer J. Mobile technologies to promote physical activity during cardiac rehabilitation: A scoping review. Sensors 2021, 21, 65.
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  • Hayn D et al., “Telehealth Services for Home-based Rehabilitation of Cardiac Patients” 2020 Computing in Cardiology, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.22489/CinC.2020.150.
    >> Link


  • Niebauer J, Stütz T. Neues Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für digitale Gesundheit am Universitätsinstitut für Sportmedizin in Salzburg. Dtsch Z Sportmed. 2019; 70: 143-144. doi: 10.5960/dzsm.2019.384
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  • Stütz T, Niebauer J. LBI for Digital Health and Prevention. OCG-Journal; 02/2019.
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Conference Contributions


  • Gruber S, Neumayr B, Wurhofer D, Smeddinck, J. Usability testing of a multi-level modeling framework for just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) in mobile health. Paper accepted at dHealth-2023; 2023.
  • V S Pakianathan P, Wurhofer D, Kumar D, Niebauer J, Smeddinck JD. Multi-Stakeholder Design for Complex Digital Health Systems: Development of a Modular Open Research Platform (MORE). Paper accepted at dHealth-2023; 2023.
  • Flaucher, M., Zakreuskaya, A., Jaeger, K., Richer, R., Smeddinck, J. D., Kumar, D., Grimme, S., Klein, J., Hrynyschyn, R., Eskofier, B., & Leutheuser, H. (2023). Your Health, Your Data: Combining Interdisciplinary Views, Concepts, and Practices to Empower Patients in Their Engagement With Personal Health Data.
    >> Link
  • Garstenauer, U; Roth, M; Ebner, M; Fuhrmeister, T; Glachs, K; Salbrechter, S; Iba, S.; Stainer-Hochgatterer, A; Wurhofer, D; Kulnik, T. Projekt „Ganz Salzburg Bewegen“. In: Das Gesundheitswesen 2023; 85(S04): 250 – 251. DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1773726
  • Hussein R, Sareban M, Treff G, Niebauer J. Roadmap for Aligning Cardiovascular Digital Health in Austria with the European Health Data Space (EHDS) Ecosystem. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023 Oct 20;309:101-105. doi: 10.3233/SHTI230750. PMID: 37869816.
  • Pfannerstill F, Propst EM, Gutenberg J,Niebauer J, Crutzen R, Kulnik ST. „If you ask me…“: experienced cardiac rehabilitation patients’ perspectives on maintaining regular heart-healthy physical activity. In: LBG Meeting Innovation in Health Sciences; 2023 Nov 2-3; Vienna, Austria.
  • Pfannerstill F, Beauchamp A. Kinzinger A, Kulnik ST. The Check-Back website for supporting patient health literacy: a mixed methods usability study. In: LBG Meeting Innovation in Health Sciences; 2023 Nov 2-3; Vienna, Austria.
  • Carrozzo E, Zimmermann G., Bathke A.C., Neunhaeuserer D, Niebauer J, Kulnik S.T. Statistical considerations on the coverage probability of a confidence interval when sequentially combining n-of-1 studies in a cumulative meta-analysis. In: The 5th Conference of the Central European Network “From Data to Knowledge. Advancing Life Sciences”,  2023 September 3-7, Basel, Switzerland.
  • McGowan H, Gutenberg J, Leitner V, Mühlhauser K, Breda A, Fischer M, Globits S, Grote V, Kiesl D, Mayr K, Muntean M, Podolsky A, Niebauer J, Crutzen R, Kulnik ST. Exploration into the use of digital technology for physical activity among former cardiac rehabilitation patients: findings from a multi-centre survey in Austria. In: ÖKG Jahrestagung 2023, Salzburg, Austria, 31 May – 03 June
  • McGowan H, Gutenberg J, Leitner V, Mühlhauser K, Breda A, Fischer M, Globits S, Grote V, Kiesl D, Mayr K, Muntean M, Podolsky A, Niebauer J, Crutzen R, Kulnik ST. Influence of postal survey design features on response rates from former cardiac rehabilitation patients. In: ÖKG Jahrestagung 2023, Salzburg, Austria, 31 May – 03 June
  • Matko S, Breda A, McGowan H, Gutenberg J, Leitner V, Mühlhauser K, Crutzen R , Niebauer J, Kulnik ST, Fischer MJ, Grote V. A look at sustainability and nonresponse bias in follow-up surveys in cardiac rehabilitation. In: ÖKG Jahrestagung 2023, Salzburg, Austria, 31 May – 03 June
  • Gruber S, Neumayr B, Wurhofer D, Smeddinck JD. Usability Testing of a Multi-Level Modeling Framework for Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) in Mobile Health. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023;301:121-122. doi:10.3233/SHTI230023
  • Pakianathan PVS, Wurhofer D, Kumar D, Niebauer J, Smeddinck J. Multi-Stakeholder Design for Complex Digital Health Systems: Development of a Modular Open Research Platform (MORE). Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023;301:204-209. doi:10.3233/SHTI230040
  • Carrozzo, Eleonora; Cornelissen, Véronique; Bathke, Arne; Claes, Jomme; Niebauer, Josef; Zimmermann, G; Treff, Gunnar; Kulnik, Stefan Tino. Physical activity and exercise capacity as composite versus single categorical endpoints for trials of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation interventions: comparison of sample size requirements. In: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2023, Malaga, Spain, 13-15 April
  • Hussein R, Stainer-Hochgatterer A, Niebauer J, Palfinger T, Kaisler R. Health data democratization in Austria: Patients’ perspective. Accepted (Short-paper). In: International Conference on Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare (ICIMTH 2023). 2023 July 1-2; Athens, Greece.
  • Falkenhein I, Bernhardt B, , Gradwohl S, Brandl M, Hussein R, Hanke S. Wearable device fitness data mapping to open mHealth and FHIR data formats. Accepted (Full-paper).  In: International Conference on Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare (ICIMTH 2023). 2023 July 1-2; Athens, Greece.
  • Jayathissa P, Sareban M, Niebauer J, Hussein R. Patient-Generated Health Data Interoperability through Master Patient Index: The DH-Convener approach. Accepted (Full-paper).  In: International Conference on Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare (ICIMTH 2023). 2023 July 1-2; Athens, Greece.
  • Hussein R, Pichon A, Oldenburg J, Sareban M, Niebauer J. Can Patient Contributed Data (PCD) Leverage Connected Health Technology for Cardiac Rehabilitation in Austria? Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023 May 18;302:8-12. doi: 10.3233/SHTI230054. PMID: 37203599.
  • Katsch F, Hussein R, Korntheuer R, Duftschmid G. Converting HL7 CDA Based Nationwide Austrian Medication Data to OMOP CDM. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023 May 18;302:899-900. doi: 10.3233/SHTI230300. PMID: 37203528.
  • Korntheuer RL, Katsch F, Duftschmid G. Transforming Documents of the Austrian Nationwide EHR System into the OMOP CDM. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023 May 2;301:54-59. doi: 10.3233/SHTI230011. PMID: 37172152.
  • Gruber S, Neumayr B, Wurhofer D, Smeddinck, J. Usability testing of a multi-level modeling framework for just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) in mobile health. Paper accepted at dHealth-2023; 2023.
  • V S Pakianathan P, Wurhofer D, Kumar D, Niebauer J, Smeddinck JD. Multi-Stakeholder Design for Complex Digital Health Systems: Development of a Modular Open Research Platform (MORE). Paper accepted at dHealth-2023; 2023.


  • Carrozzo E, Zimmermann G, Bathke A, Neunhaeuserer D, Niebauer J, Kulnik ST. Two-arm randomised controlled trial versus cumulative meta-analysis of n-of-1 studies: comparison of statistical efficiency in determining an intervention effect. In: International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS). 2022 Dec 13-16; Florence, Italy.
  • Gruber S, Neumayr B, Smeddinck, J. Towards integration-preserving customization of just-in-time adaptive interventions with composite clabjects in RDF and SHACL. MODELS ’22: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings. doi:10.1145/3550356.3561608
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  • Treff G, Stainer-Hochgatterer A, Egger A, Hussein R, Mayr B, Neudorfer M, Reich B, Sareban M, Smeddinck J, Niebauer J, and Kulnik ST. Open Innovation in Science (OIS): A Viable Approach to Increase Sport Specific and Societal Impact of Sports Science Research? In: Sport-Wissen schaf[f]t Praxis. 18. Tagung der Österreichischen Sportwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. 29.09. – 01.10.2022, edited by Thomas Finkenzeller, Lara Leutgeb, and Hermann Schwameder, 48–49. Salzburg: Universität Salzburg.
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  • Khaled M, Sareban M, Kreuzthaler M, Schulz S, Hussein R. Overview of Existing Tools for Extracting Health and Fitness Data from mHealth Apps. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022 Jun 29;295:49-50. doi: 10.3233/SHTI220657. PMID: 35773803.
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  • Hussein R, Wurhofer D, Strumegger EM, Stainer-Hochgatterer A, Kulnik ST, Crutzen R, Niebauer J. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Toolkit for Digital Health. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022 Jun 6;290:222-226. doi: 10.3233/SHTI220066. PMID: 35673005.
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  • Wurhofer D, Strumegger EM, Hussein R, Stainer-Hochgatterer A, Niebauer J, Kulnik ST. The Development of a Digital Tool for Planning Physical Exercise Training During Cardiac Rehabilitation. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022 Jun 6;290:1098-1099. doi: 10.3233/SHTI220286. PMID: 35673224.
    >> Link
  • Kulnik ST, Lunz L, Sareban M, Niebauer J, Würth S. Barriers and facilitators for employing digital technologies in cardiac rehabilitation: A crosssectional online survey among healthcare professionals in Austria. Österreichische Kardiologische Gesellschaft Jahrestagung 2022 „Zurück in die Zukunft“. Salzburg, Austria, 25. bis 28. Mai 2022.
    >> Link
  • Kulnik ST, Gutenberg J, Mühlhauser K, Topolski T, Crutzen R. Translation to German (Austrian) and qualitative linguistic validation of the Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA) questionnaire. Österreichische Kardiologische Gesellschaft Jahrestagung 2022 „Zurück in die Zukunft“. Salzburg, Austria, 25. bis 28. Mai 2022. 
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  • Gruber S, Neumayr B, Reich S, Niebauer J, Smeddinck JD. Towards Adaptability of Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022 May 16;293:169-170. doi: 10.3233/SHTI220364. PMID: 35592977.
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  • Katsch F, Hussein R, Sabutsch S, Prenner H, Prasser F, Stamm T, Duftschmid G. Extending the Austrian National EHR System with Patient-Reported Outcome Data. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022 May 25;294:561-562. doi: 10.3233/SHTI220523. PMID: 35612144.
    >> Link


  • Gruber S, Neumayr B, Schrefl M and Niebauer J, “Towards Multi-level Modeling of Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) in Mobile Health,” 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C), 2021, pp. 541-545, doi: 10.1109/MODELS-C53483.2021.00084.
    >> Link
  • Carrozzo E, Zimmermann G, Bathke A, Niebauer J, Kulnik ST. Clinical Study Designs and Statistical Models For Evaluating the Effectiveness of Digital Health Interventions: Exploring Alternatives to Traditional Randomised Controlled Trial Designs. (Abstract). In: XXXIInd Conference of the Austro-Swiss Region [ROeS] of the International Biometric Society; 2021 Sept 7-10; Salzburg, Austria.
  • Kulnik ST, Sareban M, Höppchen I, et al. Closure of Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation During the First COVID-19 Lockdown in Austria in Spring 2020 Resulted in Deteriorating Physical Exercise Capacity: A Mixed-Methods Study. (e-Poster). In: ESC Congress 2021 – The Digital Experience (Virtual Conference); 2021 Aug 27-30.
  • Höppchen I, Gutenberg J, Wurhofer D, Kulnik ST. “The Beauty of the Corona Situation” – Patients’ Experiences of Maintaining Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise during the COVID-19-Related Lockdown in Austria: Insights from a Photovoice Activity. (Abstract). In: 20th Annual Thinking Qualitatively Virtual Conference; 2021 July 5-8; Alberta, Canada.
  • Kulnik ST, Sareban M, Höppchen I, et al. Disruption of outpatient cardiac rehabilitation during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Austria resulted in deteriorating exercise capacity. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Kardiologischen Gesellschaft – “Alte Herzen – Neue Perspektiven” (online). 27.-29. Mai 2021.
  • Hussein R, Crutzen R, Gutenberg J, Kulnik ST, Sareban M, Niebauer J. Patient-Generated Health Data (PGHD) Interoperability: An Integrative Perspective. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2021 May 27;281:228-232. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210154. PMID: 34042739.
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  • Gutenberg J, Kulnik ST, Hussein R, Stuetz T, Niebauer J, Crutzen R. Physical Activity in Cardiac Rehabilitation: Towards Citizen-Centered and Evidence-Based Digital Interventions. (Short Paper). In: EFMI Special Topic Conference STC (Virtual Conference); 2020 Nov 26-27; Helsinki, Finland.
    >> Link
  • Hussein R. Medical Informatics in the Digital Personalized Health and Medicine Era: A SWOT Analysis and Actionable Strategies. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2020 Jun 16;270:869-873. doi: 10.3233/SHTI200285. PMID: 32570506.
    >> Link

Study Protocols


  • Mayr B, Beck M, Eisenberger L, Venek V, Kranzinger C, Menzl A, Reich B, Hornung-Prähauser V, Oberhoffer-Fritz R, Böhm B, Niebauer J. Valorization of Natural Cardio Trekking Trails Through Open Innovation for the Promotion of Sustainable Cross-generational Health-Oriented Tourism in the Connect2Move Project: Protocol for a Cross-sectional Study. JMIR Res Protoc 2022;11(7):e39038. doi: 10.2196/39038.
    >> Link
  • Gutenberg J, Kulnik ST, Niebauer J, Crutzen R. Determinants of Physical Activity in the Cardiac Population: Protocol for a Systematic Review. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022;11(9):e39188. Published 2022 Sep 7. doi:10.2196/39188
    >> Link

Master´s Theses and Doctoral Dissertations


  • Lunz L:  Onlinebefragung von Gesundheitsexpert*innen zum Einsatz digitaler Technologien in der kardiologischen Rehabilitation. Bachelorarbeit, Fachhochschule Salzburg (Physiotherapy), Salzburg, März 2023
  • Zeller A: Patients’ experiences and perspectives regarding the use of digital technology to support exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation. Diploma thesis, Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg (Human Medicine), Salzburg, February 2023


  • Maislinger, M: Implementation and evaluation of an application that suggests physical exercises to bridge waiting times in everyday life. Puch bei Hallein, September 2022.
    >> Link
  • Lunz L: Einsatz digitaler Technologien in der kardiologischen Rehabilitation aus der Sicht österreichischer Gesundheitsexpert:innen – Entwicklung einer Onlinebefragung. Masterarbeit, Paris Lodron University Salzburg (Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaft), Salzburg, April 2022
    >> Link


  • Neunteufel J: Technology as bridge between health professionals and patients. Master thesis, Paris Lodron University Salzburg and Salzburg University of Applied Sciences  (Joint Master Programme on Human-Computer Interaction), Salzburg, 05.09.2021
    >> Link

If you want to know more about master’s theses and doctoral dissertations, click here