Open Innovation in Science Day
Abstracts and Speakers, Friday 02 Dec 2022
Making safe digital health innovation happen
- Jovan Stevovic, PhD
Co-founder and CEO |
Jovan will talk about his entrepreneurial path, which started in academia during his PhD at University of Trento, where he worked on health innovation projects. Later his passion for innovation and privacy contributed to the creation of product with whom Jovan and his friend Stefano won an EU competition for startup ideas. The startup later won other EU awards, such as 1M Euro grant in 2018. Currently is a growing SME, serving hundreds of startups and companies globally to deliver innovation in healthcare while ensuring compliance.
Speaker Bio:
- Jovan Stevovic is the co-founder and CEO of where they solve data security and regulatory compliance challenges for digital health businesses. Jovan has over a decade of experience in the health IT industry. He completed his PhD at the University of Trento in 2014.
His research explored technologies and protocols to allow health data to be shared in a legally-compliant and secure manner. This work directly led to setting up
Professional vs academic career in digital health (yEFMI Workshop)
- Ivana Ognjanovic, PhD
Associate Professor | University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro
yEFMI is devoted to young professionals and future leaders in the field of medical and health informatics, addressing specific issues of education, research, and professional development. The workshop will be focused on analysing challenges and potential barriers to knowledge and career development: limited financial support for innovations, intense competitions for research positions, increasingly expectation of conducting research, necessity for creating a balance between science and life (especially for female researchers), as well as those specifically linked to the field, such as: different approaches in professional recognition and professionalization of the field, different opportunities in academic and professional careers, etc.
Speaker Bio:
- Ivana Ognjanovic is Associate Professor at University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro. By having background in applied mathematics and PhD degree in software engineering (co-supervised by Prof. Dragan Gašević, Canada Chair in semantic technologies), her R&D activities are focused on application of AI in different fields of medicine. She was involved in realization of tens of EU funded projects, funding schemes: TEMPUS, SEE-ERA.Net project, Erasmus+, IPA, EUREKA and H2020. Now she is coordinator of Erasmus+ project which is aimed on digitization in medicine and industry 4.0 development, and she has Post-doctoral position at national scientific project related to AI application in neurology. In June 2020, she became a yEFMI (Young EFMI) WG chair. She is also a President of the Center of young scientists at Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts (since 202).
Patient Involvement in a Nutshell
- Mathieu Mahve-Beydokhti, BSc MA
Program Manager Impact | LBG Open Innovation in Science Center
Patient Involvement means carrying out research “with” or “by” patients and members of the public rather than “to”, ”about” or “for” them. These activities aim to empower the patients affected by the research by involving them in it to enhance research and make it better oriented towards patients’ needs. This input will give participants an introductory overview on what patient involvement is, what it means and the different ways it can look like.
Speaker Bio:
- Mathieu Mahve-Beydokhti is a program manager at the Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft. His focus lies on the societal impact of research and more particularly on the impact of involving publics within research. He facilitates co-creative workshops to enhance participation between different stakeholders in research and advises researchers on how to plan and include impact within their activities. Mathieu has a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Strasbourg and a master’s degree in Science and Technology Studies (STS) from Maastricht University. Before working at the OIS Center, he was an assistant project manager at the Verein ScienceCenter-Netzwerk where he implemented interactive science engagement projects.
Digital Health Intervention Prototyping
- Dr. Daniela Wurhofer
Post-Doc Researcher | Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention
The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention (LBI-DHP) is developing multiple digital health interventions (see: This talk will present selected recent development projects at the LBI-DHP illustrating the breadth of different concepts, how they are informed by the aim to foster long-term sustainable use and by stakeholder abilities, interests and needs. The discussion will focus on the approaches to prototyping and development considering particularities and strategies for succeeding with rapid iterative innovation in the challenging and sensitive application area of digital health.
Speaker Bio:
- Daniela Wurhofer works as a Post-Doc Researcher at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention. Studying Psychology and Applied Computer Science, she did her PhD in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, with a focus on temporal transitions of user experience, i.e., investigating changes of users’ experiences over time. Next to user experience, Daniela’s interests include user-centered development of digital health interventions, Shared Decision Making with digital health applications, as well as acceptance of mobile and automated technologies. Selected projects that Daniela is currently working on at the LBI-DHP include aktivplan, MORE, and the iterative development of digital health intervention concepts.
Digital Health Idea Competition KickOff
- Andreas Stainer-Hochgatterer
Open Innovation in Science Manager | Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention
- Mathieu Mahve-Beydokhti, BSc MA
Program Manager Impact | LBG Open Innovation in Science Center
As part of the Salzburg Digital Health and Prevention Days 2022, we will kick off an ideas competition. We are inviting teams of young researchers to develop and submit their ideas on specific topics of interest. A core requirement of the ideation process is the involvement of patient experts. This shall ensure that the ideas are needs-driven and initiated and brought forward in a co-creation approach. Winners will be determined by an independent jury. The jury vote will incorporate consideration of how patient experts have been involved and their contributions to the outcome. In this session, we will kick off the competition by introducing the topics and the process, including information on the final event, criteria for jury voting, and follow-up options for the winning ideas.
Speaker Bios:
- Andreas Stainer-Hochgatterer is Administrative Director and Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Manager of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention in Salzburg. As a graduate from a Technical College for Information Technology and Electronics and after Special Education Studies at the University of Vienna and a study visit at the Middlesex University in London he started his working career at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology back in the year 1998. Most recently he was Senior Expert Advisor in the area of Active and Assisted Living, IPMA (Level C) certified project manager and has over twenty years of experience in coordinating different national and international research projects. Furthermore, he has teaching experiences as lecturer at the University of Linz, at the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt and FH Campus Vienna. Since December 2019 he is part of the Executive Board of the LBI-DHP and as well responsible for bringing forward OIS in digital health projects with his experiences in innovation management.
- Mathieu Mahve-Beydokhti is a program manager at the Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft. His focus lies on the societal impact of research and more particularly on the impact of involving publics within research. He facilitates co-creative workshops to enhance participation between different stakeholders in research and advises researchers on how to plan and include impact within their activities. Mathieu has a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Strasbourg and a master’s degree in Science and Technology Studies (STS) from Maastricht University. Before working at the OIS Center, he was an assistant project manager at the Verein ScienceCenter-Netzwerk where he implemented interactive science engagement projects.